(02) 6662 6003 Make an appointment
81 Barker Street, Casino


A physiotherapist is a university trained health professional who uses physical approaches to diagnose and rehabilitate people with movement disorders. We use evidence-based, natural methods such as exercise and hands-on mobilisation of joints, nerves and other body tissues.

Our aim is to promote, maintain and restore your well-being so you can perform and enjoy your chosen sport, work or everyday activities.

A physiotherapist’s university training includes a thorough study of the human body, particularly the muscle and joint system. It involves studying anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, psychology, medical conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, exercise prescription and electrotherapy.

Physiotherapy is a science-based methodology that is constantly evolving as new research discovers better ways to treat your body. Our physiotherapists will use their expert knowledge of the human body and highly specialised skills to help restore your aching, stiff and dysfunctional muscles and joints back to health.


Why might you need physiotherapy?

If you have an injury.

You may not be aware you have an injury: most people associate injuries with bruising, redness and swelling, however this is not always so. An injury can present as a dull ache, sharp pain, stiffness or loss of movement (in a particular joint when compared to another similar joint).


If you experience chronic pain.

You may not know physiotherapists can improve and prevent further chronic illnesses. Therefore if you experience any recurring pain or aches relating to anything to do with muscles and joints or nerves, our PhysioPoint physios can help you!


What can we do ?

Assess your individual body biomechanics. We observe and feel how particular joints and muscles move. Assessing imbalance, stiffness, tightness, quality of movement and laxity. We use manual techniques involving soft tissue release, joint mobilisations, manipulations (if needed), myofascial release, stretching and specific graded exercise programs.

Long-term injuries and prevention strategies.

We don’t only treat injuries, we provide education and advice on stretches and warm ups to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. You may have heard prevention is better than cure. Well this sort of prevention may require some effort but it is much better (and easier) than rehabiitation.


At PhysioPoint Casino our team of experienced professionals will thoroughly investigate, diagnose and treat your injuries to get you back in action and moving better no matter how young, old, athletic or not, you may be. And that is only one of the reasons why we have been successfully serving the Casino District and surrounds for 20 years.